Bound by Blood
Criminal gangster "Zoomer" is assigned to watch over the new recruit, Evil Batlet. Fifty and twenty-five respectively, Zoomer is unable to shake Evil off, nor the affair that follows.
"You don’t know my name yet, do you? It’s Evil."
"I beg your pardon?"
"My parents had a wicked sense of humour. They named me Evil and my brother Good. No one believes me when I tell them, but it’s true."
"I wouldn’t believe you either."
"Right? Haha... but it’s on my birth certificate. My family never celebrated my birthday but they always celebrated Good’s. I was so jealous of his presents, I used to break them when he wasn’t watching. Wasn’t I a terrible child?"
"Yeah, I don’t think I’d like having you as my son."
"I’m glad I’m not your son too. Here, let me get you another drink."
Chuckling, Evil ordered a martini and knocked back half, then slid the drink to Zoomer. Their fingers touched, although that was nothing to the way the glass was warm with the imprint of his lips.
Zoomer brought the drink to his mouth and sipped. As he thought, martinis weren’t to his taste.

Evil Batlet


Fran Shelley
Evil Batlet
Needy, insecure, and desperate... according to Zoomer. Good at holding grudges for a long time before acting impulsively on them.
When drunk, will rant and rave about his estranged brother, who is his perfect opposite and too good of a person. Nevertheless, he enjoys being drunk in Zoomer's company.
Well, he enjoys Zoomer's company in general. Perhaps too much and no matter how he's treated.
Not his real name; he uses an alias. A family man with a wife and daughter, but he can't seem to stop smoking, cheating, or being with Evil.
Has a glum outlook about the world. Many things frighten and unsettle him, but he doesn't let it show on his face.
Fran Shelley
Zoomer's daughter and a medical student. Practical and clear-minded because she has to be, and can't be resentful about it either. Never could've prepared for the blind spot that's Evil Batlet.
Featured In...
Two gangsters lick each other's wounds.
Aging criminal Zoomer stitches Evil's wounds in an empty warehouse. The two get closer than he wants.

Two gangsters and the morning after.
Zoomer spends a lazy morning in bed with his "lover." Their conversation is pleasant enough, or rather, unpleasant enough. Then again, Evil's brother is dead.

One man fishes his partner out of a lake. What more is there to say?